Kate Gosselin says kids cant wait for cameras to come back
This week’s US Weekly is all about how Kate Gosselin is an entitled diva and a mean, talentless pain in the ass on Dancing with The Stars. We’ve already covered some of that, but there’s more that came out, including the detail that Kate’s partner Tony Dovolani, “can’t wait to get rid of her, even if it means losing early.” Kate is said to have told Tony that “I’m the reason anyone knows your name.”
US Weekly also reports that Kate gave some statements to E! News on Wednesday that were just dripping with attitude. She said “I can’t put my life aside and dance for six hours a day.” Kate has walked out of dancing rehearsals to get her nails done, go shopping and get coffee, so I guess she considers those activities her “life.” I’m so sure she brought some of her kids with her.
Delusional Kate also thinks that she can dance. She said “It’s not my lack of ability, but lack of presence. I struggle with this every day. But I have determination.” It’s not her lack of ability? Has she even seen one of her performances? She also said she takes “the constructive criticism only” from the judges. She rolls her eyes at all the other criticism.
Meanwhile Kate is still harping on her belief that her kids love having the cameras around and says they’re “so excited” for their return to reality television, which was just announced yesterday. Kate will also get her own reality show in which she travels around dispensing her unique brand of me-focused wisdom to women around the country:
Clad in a short black cocktail dress with silver embellishments and black strappy high-heel sandals, Kate Gosselin spoke about her upcoming TLC show, Twist of Kate, at the Discovery Communications’ NYC Upfront Thursday.
Reading from a teleprompter, she told the crowd she is “excited” to “share with you the next chapter in my life.” The show, which debuts this summer, will follow the single mother, 35, as she raises her eight children, as well as profile other women who are also in their own challenging situations.
Where did the concept come from?
“Every day I hear from women across the country who have incredible stories but are overwhelmed with their lives, asking me for advice on everything from potty training to organization,” the current Dancing With the Stars disaster explained. “None have asked for dancing advice, however. Just thought I’d add that.
“So on my new show Twist of Kate, I’m going to spend a few days in their lives experiencing their challenges firsthand and lending a helping hand and maybe even some time off,” she went on.
As for her own kids, Gosselin said she’s “thrilled” to announce they’ll be returning to TV. For some specials this year, she said they’ll be “taking some fun trips and having some great adventures. They’re very excited.”
[From US Weekly thanks to Oxa for tips!]
Five year old kids do thrive on structure and consistency, but the cameras haven’t been around for months. They’re only going to have their lives disrupted by filming at this point, although of course Kate thinks she’s doing it all for them and their benefit. It has nothing to do with her children and everything to do with Kate’s need to be the center of attention. Speaking of that, US had an inset in this week’s print edition about how Kate staged Easter a day early for the paparazzi in order to make sure that the photo shoot included her, not her husband Jon. They write “a source contends Kate’s motivation [for having an Easter egg hunt a day early] was one-upmanship – she planned the last-minute event because ex-husband Jon told her he planned to have one [on Easter]. ‘Kate was just going to buy the kids something Easter-y from L.A., but when she found out Jon’s intentions she beat him to it… she went to Target the night before to get supplies.” It’s all for her kids, because they’re her priority!
Kate Gosselin is shown out in Manhattan on 4/8/10. Credit: A Miller/WENN.com