
How to pronounce lowell

How do you pronounce Percival Lowell?

Phonetic spelling of Percival Lowell
  • p-ER-s-ih-v-uh-l. 0 rating rating ratings. Private.
  • Per-cival Low-ell. 0 rating rating ratings. Shanny Will.
  • percival lowell. 0 rating rating ratings. Lon Stamm.
  • Per-ci-val Low-ell. 0 rating rating ratings. Private.
  • How do you pronounce the name Lowe?

    Lowe — a 2015 third-round draft pick of the Rays who had 17 dingers in 2019, then broke out in a big way with 14 in 56 games this season — doesn’t have a conventional pronunciation of his last name, like “LOW” or perhaps “LOW-EE.”

    How is an pronounced?

    A becomes a (ay), and an becomes an (aan). And if we’re saying the letter of the alphabet, we say Ay. What about the? Again, we don’t normally stress that either, but sometimes we can and then the pronunciation changes to the (thee).


    Billy Koelling

    Update: 2024-06-03