How to counter Echo in Overwatch 2?
Blizzard’s latest hero-shooter title, Overwatch 2, was released on October 4 as a free-to-play game. The publishers look forward to continuing the legacy of the game's prequel, Overwatch, which came out in 2016 and became one of the most dominant esports titles.
Overwatch 2 has three classes - Tank, Damage, and Support - and Echo is a damage hero with one of the most futuristic and fluid character designs. Originally from Switzerland, according to Overwatch lore, Echo can utilize her abilities to remain airborne briefly.
Echo has five abilities, excluding the primary fire, that allows this hero to output significant amounts of damage.
Overwatch 2: Echo's abilities and counter picks
Echo is one of the many heroes carried over to Overwatch 2 with a few tweaks and changes to settle them in with the new environment. These changes were also necessary since the publishers decided to opt for a standard 5v5 format from the previous version’s 6v6.
Echo is a hero who is fragile when she is by herself against most enemy heroes and hence, requires assistance throughout most of the game. It is wise to play alongside tanks and a support hero at all times and contribute by purely dealing damage to enemy heroes repeatedly.
Echo’s abilities in Overwatch
Echo utilizes her body energy as her primary weapon and other forms of her own energy that can quickly take away chunks of the enemy’s health. Here is a list of all her abilities with a brief description:
- Tri-Shot (Primary Fire): Echo shoots energy bullets out of her hand itself in a burst of threes and a triangular pattern.
- Sticky Bombs (Secondary Fire): Echo shoots out a number of sticky explosives that can attach themselves to enemy heroes and map structures. They explode after a short delay.
- Flight (L-Shift): Activate to quickly move forward for a small distance and then Echo can shortly go airborne.
- Focusing Beam (E): Echo can shoot out a beam of pure energy that can be redirected by moving the crosshairs.
- Duplicate (Ultimate): Echo can become the perfect copy of an enemy hero and use their abilities. It is duration based and can be shot to destroy the copied form.
- Glide (Passive): Echo can descend from heights slowly with this passive ability.
Echo counters
Echo is the hardest hero to unlock through challenges, as she requires a total of 150 wins to become available in the hero pool of new players. She is inherently strong but is squishy enough to be taken down by almost all heroes.
Here is a list of all the heroes who can counter Echo in Overwatch 2:
- Sombra
- Widowmaker
- D.Va
- Ana
Sombra is great for disabling movement characters as she can utilize her invisibility to go behind the damage dealers and damage them. Echo is a frail hero, so Sombra’s SMG weapon is more than enough to take her down while her mobility is compromised.
Widowmaker is a direct counter for every hero who has the ability to go airborne. Her sniper will allow players to isolate and land a headshot on Echo whenever she tries to evade enemies with her flight ability.
D.Va is a great damage-dealing tank that can also use her abilities to fly for a short time. It is the perfect counter for Echo as D.Va can neutralize incoming projectiles and charge towards her and burst down damage at close range.
Ana is another sniper user but falls under Overwatch 2's support class who can effectively take down Echo from a distance with ease. Her biotic bullets are capable of ticking down an airborne Echo with just 3 or 4 shots to the head while also providing support to the team mid-fight.
These were the best heroes that could shut down Echo and end the flying white terror for the entire team. Keep up with Sportskeeda as we follow up with more hero counters and guides for Overwatch 2.
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