5 best Minecraft Creative servers (2022)
Minecraft Creative servers allow players to build freely in Creative mode. Such servers are the perfect spot to unleash imagination, and players are free to build whatever their hearts desire.
Anyone looking for the perfect Minecraft Creative server can check out the list given below.
Top 5 Minecraft Creative servers this year
5) moxmc.net
Server IP Address: moxmc.net
Mox MC is an incredibly popular server network that is still growing quickly. Featuring many great game modes such as Factions, Skyblock, Parkour, Prisons, and Creative, this server is a great choice to play.
Creative is one of the most popular game modes on Mox MC, and it has an active community of regular players. The Discord server alone has 55,000 members. For anyone looking for a good Minecraft Creative server, this is definitely worth checking out.
4) Creative Fun
Server IP Address: play.creativefun.net
As a dedicated Minecraft Creative server, Creative Fun is the perfect server for anyone looking to let their building skills flow free.
There are a bunch of talented builders that call this server their home, and for good reason. This server has been around for over seven years and has stood the test of time. It offers huge 512 x 512 size plots and full WorldEdit access to all players.
3) MineLand Network
Server IP Address: mc.mineland.me
Over the years, MineLand Network has perfected its network to offer the ultimate Minecraft building experience possible.
Anyone who loves building in Minecraft Creative mode will definitely love this server. It offers over 10 different building-themed modes to play, the most popular of which are: Creative +, Build Battle, Free Build, Plot Builds, Built-it, and Team Creative Build.
2) Edawg Creative
Server IP Address: play.edawg878.com
Edawg is one of the oldest Minecraft Creative servers in existence. The server has been online for over 10 years and still remains one of the best places to build on Minecraft to this day.
Over the years, several epic builds have been constructed on this server by millions of different players. Fans of Minecraft roleplay will also likely enjoy this server since many great roleplaying elements are included on this server, all of which help bring the Creative builds to life.
1) Builders Refuge
Server IP Address: mc.buildersrefuge.com
Builders Refuge is a top-rated Minecraft Creative server for anyone to join. It offers all the tools that any Minecraft builder could ever need, such as WorldEdit, Voxelsniper, GoPaint, and even schematic imports/exports.
Also featuring regular building events and competitions, this server is great and has a brilliant community full of friendly builders. For anyone looking for a professional-grade Minecraft Creative server to build large-scale projects on, Builders Refuge will surely not disappoint.
Note: This article is subjective and solely reflects the opinion of the writer.
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